Transwomen Amber Nightingale AKA Amber Nicolette feeds off of my energy field.
I receive psychic attacks often from my stalker Amber Nightingale AKA Amber Nicolette.
Have you ever had a person feed off of your energy field with out your permission for years on end? I have and I write about it often. I wrote about the energetic psychic attacks I received and continue to receive in Energy Workers Targeted Me, My Experiences with Psychic Attacks.
Many different people have fed off my energy field since 2015, but one person in particular who diligently continues to intentionally target me energetic with psychic attacks happens to be my stalker.
My stalker is an energy worker and her name is Transwomen Amber Nightingale AKA Amber Nicolette. She has two different aliases, but just recently this year she started going by the last name Nicolette. She reminds me of a chameleon that is forever changing so she can outsmart her victims.
Amber in my opinion has an agenda with my life. How could she not when she had me arrested on a false stalking charge after she stalked me and cyberstalked me for years.
Amber cyberstalked me and stalked me for 4 years while I was being investigated for allegedly stalking her. The Department of Justice has been investigating her since around September of 2022 because I filed a civil rights complaint with the DOJ. In return the DOJ have been investigating her and her friends that cyberstalked me before I was arrested on a false stalking charge.
While I was being investigated for allegedly stalking Amber I received years of Satanic ritual abuse. So Not only was she cyberstalking me with her friends Eric Brice, Jackie S and Psychic Medium John Edward, but she was also targeting me energetically pulling my energy out of my body and targeting me with Satanic ritual abuse.
Amber is a professional energy worker That masquerades as a healer. She is far from being a healer. I don't understand or see how she could be a healer when all she's been doing to me for the past 5 years is hurting my energy field with intentional targeted psychic attacks she inflicts upon me 24/7. She literally feeds off of my body's energy like a self-identified vampire does to its victim.
For years Amber has been pulling on my energy targeting me with psychic attacks and putting holes in my aura or rips and tears in my aura because this is how she knows she can hurt me and get away with it.
There are no laws put into place to stop her from targeting me energetically. This is a loophole that these kind of people know they can get through and get away with hurting another, their victims.
I share my story with everyone because I want to bring awareness to what people do in these days and times to others and get away with. Hopefully my story can help someone that might be going through the same.
Don't underestimate how far your stalker will go to hurt you. Your stalker will go to great lengths to hurt you. I know this firsthand. My stalker put me through a smear campaign and damaged my reputation and hurt me emotionally and psychologically until I was arrested and imprisoned on a false stalking charge with the Elizabethtown Pennsylvania Police department.
My Stalker's smear campaign was ment to manipulate and gaslit me as the abuser. I was labeled on social media by her friends on social media as being her stalker. Below here you see them bragging about how my cyberstalkers had reported my Twitter account 45 times.
They were so blatant and want me to see how they were achieving their goal and emotionally and psychologically hurting me and my reputation at the same time in their smear campaign.
Amber and her friends intentionally put me in positions to achieve optimal emotional reactions to her and her friends by them sharing my criminal record in their smear campaign that lasted for years.
A year after the smear campaign was launched in 2017 it was going strong into 2019. Below here you see in my smear campaign Jackie S telling people on Twitter to continue to report my Twitter account because I was stalking Amber Nightingale AKA Amber Nicolette.
I never stalked Amber and none are the wiser to my stalker because she and her friends spent time and effort to put me through a smear campaign, so she could display herself as the poor stalking victim so no one would believe she stalked and cyberstalked me for years.
I suspect Jackie S @jackster_93 is currently from Paramus, New Jersey. Often I would also recieve energetic psychic attacks in unison with Nightingale, Jackie S and Brice and psychic attacks have gotten rather bad lately because the DOJ are investigating them.
Who is Jackie S. Is she a terrorist?
She's pretty secretive about her identity and at the same time she posted often comments about how I stalked Amber before I was arrested on a false stalking charge. So who is Jackie S. ? Below here is Jackie S and Eric Brice. As you can see they are good buddies.
One person who was never secretive about his identity while he and others were putting me through a Smear Campaign is Psychic Medium John Edward. He put my life in danger many times on social media and he used his fan base to help him report my Twitter accounts.
John threatened me as you can see below here for targeted harassment I inflicted on him and his buddy Amber Nightingale AKA Amber Nicolette. John is a very good lier.
He has years of practice in manipulating people and taking advantage of people's grief. Who will be his next victim. If he can get away with his crimes against me then he is emboldened and is likely to do the same as he did to me to others that he judges.
My stalker and her enablers are smart and they know their game well. I wonder if I am not the first to get targeted energetically by Amber and her friends and if there could be others she has also put through a smear campaign. I would hope this is not the case. I for one would hate for anyone else to have to go through what I have gone through with my stalker over the many years and continue to go through.